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W.A.P. !!!

By David

Multi-player Warlords style arcade game.

55% complete
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Hey David what kinda art are you looking for? 2-D? Top-down, or side-scrolling? I might be able to sling some prototype assets your way (or you could use them in the final version if you want), depending on what the style you are going for is. If its supposed to be really close to Warlords look, check out the "Commando" game on ProgFrog... that might be a good starting point for terrain...

Project owner

This is a top down 2D arcade style game that is mimicking the Atari 2600 version very closely. I am big into black backgrounds (though I have been called out on this before) because I feel otherwise you will easily lose track of the ball as this is supposed to be a fast paced, frenetic experience.

So I think all I really need is maybe some styling for the bricks, shield and possibly the ball. Right now the bricks are 50x50 pixels, the shield is 100x25 and the ball is a circle of diameter 25 px. The target behind the wall could be a place where things might get more creative. Perhaps an animated character of some sort.

I am trying to keep the color scheme consistent with your arcade box. So a player and their quadrant is either blue, red, yellow or green. To that end, one thought I had was to give each color an "elemental" theme so maybe green could be some sort of Tree monster thingy and the bricks and shield have a green vine and brown twig intertwined pattern? Maybe blue is water. Red is fire. Yellow is ... uh ... something.

Anyway, that's what I have for now. I hope to show up tomorrow with just basic colored rectangles and a somewhat functional game.


Ah, I getcha. Thought you meant THIS warlords: http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/24976/Warlords.html

That looks like it would be crazy to play haha, I will try to pull something together art wise if no one else shows up to do it!

Project owner

Ok, Thanks! There is currently at least one artist looking at this and trying to determine if and how much she can contribute. I'll see you at "The Event" and we can discuss.


We've been playing 4-player WAP over at lucky lab, and its a blast!

Project owner

Very cool!


Can't wait to try the version with steering. I wonder if that will help the problem of the two diagonals having a long standoff at the end of some matches.

Project owner

It should. I am wondering if I implemented "too much steer" though. Looking for feedback here. For instance, if you are blue and aim for green and steer the whole time after the throw in one direction, it will curve all the way to hit red instead. At first I thought that was way too much but now I am wondering if that is instead "fun" and/or "cool". Let me know.


Hey David, i will test it out in a moment, have to reboot to push update. If the ball force (heh) is too much, maybe add some kind of halflife to the amount of force you can exert over time? After 1 second maybe you cant control the ball at all? Maybe its cool to be able to totally waggle it around though, cause dont you keep control on a wall bounce? I imagine someone could just wall bounce around and then suddenly strike in a loping curve.

Project owner

Quote from: Jack Meade

Hey David, i will test it out in a moment, have to reboot to push update. If the ball force (heh) is too much, maybe add some kind of halflife to the amount of force you can exert over time? After 1 second maybe you cant control the ball at all? Maybe its cool to be able to totally waggle it around though, cause dont you keep control on a wall bounce? I imagine someone could just wall bounce around and then suddenly strike in a loping curve.

Right now, once the ball hits anything including the wall, you lose ability to influence it.

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