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By Oliver Smith, Jack Meade

Raft-building has never seemed so possible.

5% complete
12 followers 22028 views
About Log (9) Discussion (9)

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I like the teal water!!!

Project owner
Edited on

dude RapidAdvancedBrahmancow one looks awesome

Project owner
Edited on

Cool, thanks! I really like the way that one looks when you're zoomed out.


NICE! Thats a super cool idea using a tomato cage!! I approve!

Also! Oliver, I think that it would be cool if I could comment on a certain part of the log and not just on the whole project in its self. What does everyone think about that idea?

Project owner
Edited on

Lindsay, I moved our discussion over to the devlogs project. :)


Quote from: Ryan Munro

dude RapidAdvancedBrahmancow one looks awesome

I totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RemarkableMassiveBasil looks really good as well. Looking at the navigation in action and the square raft parts reminds me a bit of Captain Forever in a really good way.

Project owner

Aw man, I really want to finish this game someday. There were a few more months of work where we started over again but I never posted screenshots from those. I hadn't heard of Captain Forever but I just checked it out and yeah, I definitely see the similarity.

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