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Femto Paint

By Oliver Smith

A paint app for my iPad where I can micromanage the UX

35% complete
2 followers 20393 views
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Hey man! This project seems very cool!

I just finished my masters and I want to make an app for iPad with a similar idea to this.

I was going down the native iOS path due to drawing latency concerns, however I would ultimately want to make the app cross platform. I see you have made the UnityApplePencil repo, amazing work.

From your point of view after investing time into this drawing project does it seem feasible in unity? or would you suggest following the native path? or perhaps even a different path?

I am just trying to direct my learning most effectively and was hoping you could help! Perhaps we could even have a call or something (or just an email would be appreciated - jonathandotmeerholz@gmail.com).

Thanks and keep up the awesome work!

Project owner

Quote from: Jonathan Meerholz

Hey man! This project seems very cool!

I just finished my masters and I want to make an app for iPad with a similar idea to this.

I was going down the native iOS path due to drawing latency concerns, however I would ultimately want to make the app cross platform. I see you have made the UnityApplePencil repo, amazing work.

From your point of view after investing time into this drawing project does it seem feasible in unity? or would you suggest following the native path? or perhaps even a different path?

I am just trying to direct my learning most effectively and was hoping you could help! Perhaps we could even have a call or something (or just an email would be appreciated - jonathandotmeerholz@gmail.com).

Thanks and keep up the awesome work!

Hey, thanks! I actually did a lot more work on this project, I haven't been very good about writing updates.

Sorry I can't give you a clear answer to which path you should take, especially since I haven't managed to release my app yet and haven't cleared all the technical hurdles, but here are some thoughts...

1) Technical issues aside, I don't like native for personal reasons. I had a small game that Apple removed from the app store because I hadn't updated it recently, even though it worked fine. As an indie hobbyist that's a disaster because even when my projects aren't popular, I want to know that I and others can still check them out occasionally. So if I avoid native I have a bit more control over my own software, and I can still run it on the desktop even if I don't keep buying expensive Apple hardware.

2) Yes, I do tentatively think that Unity is feasible for a painting app, but performance and optimization are hard, and take a lot of time and effort. Cross-platform UI is also hard. It won't necessarily feel as good as native or be able to support all the native features. But honestly whichever way you go, making a full app that's anywhere near the competition is tough.

3) In general, I would not recommend Unity for app development. If you're hoping to build skills for general app development, Unity might not be the best choice...it only makes sense for graphics-heavy stuff I think.

4) HeavyPaint is a popular painting app that was made in Godot - so that's a better proof of concept than Femto for a cross-platform game engine painting app, since it's actually released and successful. :)

If you want to chat more I'd be happy to, I'm curious what your app ideas are. If you join my Discord server at https://discord.gg/U7x8Yum, I'm usually online as gulliver on there.

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