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By Ryan Munro

Instantly find gamers

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I am jealous of getringer.com's speedy page transitions.


I pitched GetRinger.com to a German DOTA player I met. He said it was a good idea - he has a team of 4 that always needs a 5th, and they have to take their chances with a random player who they can't always communicate with very well. So you should be able to search players by language!

Project owner

Quote from: Oliver Smith

I pitched GetRinger.com to a German DOTA player I met. He said it was a good idea - he has a team of 4 that always needs a 5th, and they have to take their chances with a random player who they can't always communicate with very well. So you should be able to search players by language!

Nice ... I'm a bad employee and boss ... but I'm slowing working through the redesign to remove all programmer design. The old site was i18n, but it's really easy to do again once I get the first milestone launched.

I also like the idea of using gaming for language learning, I went on a few French LFGs to find French gamers to play DayZ with.

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